#Tzav #ShabbatHaGadol #CleanlinessIsNextToGodliness #CleaningForPesach #CleaningForPublicHealth
There is a fine line between fear and awe. This week in Parshat Tzav, we read: "This is the ritual of the sin offering: [it] shall be...
#Tzav #ShabbatHaGadol #CleanlinessIsNextToGodliness #CleaningForPesach #CleaningForPublicHealth
Vayikra #Sacrifice #PhyiscalDistancing #SocialConnecting #MakeRoomForTheHoly
#DollyPartonChallenge Accepted!
"...I'm right up the road, I'll share your load, if you just call me."
#ParshatVayechi - A call to action!
Embrace the WOW!
A Parsha *made for Thanksgiving*
The birth of consent - and love
Being Noah
...a new beginning
The end is just the beginning...
Moses was a poet, and he didn't even know it.
Torah... it's ours!
#TorahMeme for Parshat Ki Tavo
#TorahMeme project... blasting off